bratzcollection.blogspot.com is a place for Bratz dolls fans and collectors.


HOME-Find all news about this blog and Bratz

ABOUT US-Read what this blog is about

CLOSE UP-Read about all of the Bratz characters ever released

COLLECTIONS-Find out how many collections there are, you can also find out which is your doll's releasing year.

BEAUTY PARLOR-Learn some tricks on repairing or simply keeping your dolls beautiful

PASSION 4 FASHION-Learn how to draw patterns for your Bratz dolls and make amazing outfits and accessories inspired by popular brands and other

GALLERY-There you'll find different Bratz photos taken by me. Your Bratz photos can also be there, simply send your photos and short description to bratzcollection@inbox.lv

If you have any questions-feel free to contact us in comments or by our e-mail bratzcollection@inbox.lv